Scripture: Matthew 22:25-26 Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother. The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh.(NIV)
Beloved, I welcome you to another Moment of Daily Encounter!
The family life has enemy and that is Satan the devil right from the start of the family life in the garden of Eden, he came as a serpent to decieved the first wife(Gen 3:1). Today, we seek to explore different mode Satan attack the family life.
How does the devil attack the family life today?
1. Sending demons/human spy: It is possible to send human spy to monitor your life or demons. So one principal way the devil will attack the family life is by sending demons.
Their arrival in the family signal, confusion, unnecessary argument that often leads to quarrel and fighting. Check it out any family where there is incessant quarrel, unending dispute etc the demons has softly crept in and in ignorance the couple’s have offered the devil seat in that house and he is busy manipulating the couples.
The second pointer that demons is hanging around your home is Anger: When you begin to get angry often and often you need retreat to your secret place of prayer.
Understand also that Nothing attract demons like anger! Just the same way ants is attracted to a drop of sugar on the floor, thesame way, demons are attracted to an angry man or woman!
When this demons are on ground they makes you vomit venom out of your mouth and over-react on just simple matter. Many have ruined their family life because of this monster called anger without knowing there is a demons behind the operation.
Although they may regret it later in life but most a time irreparable damage had been created especially the word of mouth! My father thought me this “words are like eggs, when broken it can no longer be gather together”! This is why, the Bible said:
Ephesians 4: 26. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27. Neither give place to the devil.
2. Through deception; This was how the first family was attack! Satan will decieve a family to enter into marriage covenant without their knowledge of the implications of the covenant.
For example a family that have been experiencing premature death went for protection and the devil agree to give them protection but made them to enter covenant that will affect unborn generations! This is the genesis of spirit spouse.
How on earth should human being be married to a spirit being? Simply because a legal ground was opened for Satan in the past and it harnesses the opportunity to bind every body in that family with the covenant.
Beloved, spirit spouse are real! There are countless families who are suffering because of the operation of spirit spouse! They may think it is demons that is responsible unknown to them it is the activities of spirit spouse.
The following are few activities of the spirit spouse:
1. They cause premature death, for either the husband or wife of newly married couples. Our anchor scripture reveals this(Matt.22;25-28). A woman with this wicked spirit of jealousy entered into a family and that family close down!
What exactly is killing all the men in that family? It is simply this spirit spouse because it is a jealous spirit! The spirit spouse forbid his victims from getting married legally, it reacts once he/she see a legal marriage.
2. They causes barrenness, fibroids, still birth, miscarriage, etc.
3. They can make a man to become impotent, destroyed his business and empty handed financially.
4. They bring untold hardship to families, assault their victims in the dream.
5.To those who are single the spirit will want them to remain single!(Like 8:2) This is reason why so many eligible singles have not be married. Any man that shows up for marriage is been fought by this wicked spirit or they grind his business.
Prayer: Any Power fighting my family life , my marriage and marital settlement die by fire in Jesus name.
Remember this; Heaven is real and hell is real! Don’t allow marriage to take you to hell. Give Jesus a chance to work on your heart and your problem.
Prayer points:
– Father thank you for your word to me today.
– Father I receive grace to discern the manipulation of the devil and take decisive action against the family life in Jesus name.
Prophetic Declaration:
– I prophesy upon every family that is currently tearing apart because of Satanic deception receive Divine rescue now in the name of Jesus.
– To every single experiencing delay in marriage as a result of spirit spouse activities, help is coming for you now in the name of Jesus.
From your brother Alex
God bless you.