By: Dr. Paul Enenche

SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding what it takes to access Divine direction
Every provision of God in Scripture has conditions
Every product of God has its principles
Divine direction is an asset of non-negotiable value
For every effect, there is an effort
For every expected outcome, there are reactions
For every expected output, there is required input.


1. Understanding your covenant inheritance of Divine direction (Isa. 42:16; 48:17; Ps. 32:8; John 10:27; Rom. 8:14; Rev. 2:7,11,17, 29; Matt. 4:4)
Understanding is key to success in life and in any realm
1a. To be His sheep is to be qualified for His Voice
1b. Divine direction is a proof of sonship; if you are confirmed to be
1c. There is an irrevocable commitment of God to the guidance of His people (Ex. 13:21-22)
2. Possessing the desire or desperation for Direction (Hos. 6:3; Hab. 2:1; Phil. 3:12; Luke 3:21-22; Matt. 5:6)
What is not desired can never be delivered
You are only permitted to know if you are desperate for the knowing
Your preservation or destruction is anchored on Direction
When you are casual with life, you end as a casualty
2a. Human desperation is doorway to Divine direction
2b. Interest is a magnet for insight
2b. Value from man provokes the Voice of God
2c. God does not force His direction on people who are satisfied without direction
3. Creating the spiritual climate of worship and/or fasting for Divine direction (Acts 13:1-2; Isa. 30:29-30; Ps. 89:15; 2Kings 3:15-17; Num. 21:17; Isa. 58:6,8)
There is a connection between the song of the Lord and the Voice of the Lord
3a. Spiritual condition, that is, climate or atmosphere, affects Divine direction
3b. The action of fasting sharpens spiritual sensitivity for spiritual receptivity
3c. The Voice of God travels in the vehicle of worship
It is not hard to get God to speak if worship is made available because worship attracts His Presence and His Presence carries His voice (Ps. 22:3)
4. Possessing the attitude of enquiry; possessing the expectation to receive (Matt. 7:7; Gen. 25:22-23; 1Sam. 23:1-4, 30:8; Ps. 27:4; Isa. 21:12; Jer. 6:16)
Assumption is the breeding ground for frustration
Those who don’t ask are not entitled to answers
4a. The attitude of enquiry is the platform for the act of discovery
4b. God is pleased to be asked because it confirms our helplessness without Him, our dependence on Him and our confidence in His Omniscience
4c. The possession of assumption is the sustenance of confusion and frustration
God does not assume the needs of man, He responds to declared needs
5. Studying and meditating on the written Word of God (John 1:1-5; Ps. 29:3, 103:20, 119:11,105; Eph. 5:26; 1Sam. 3:21; Joel 2:11; Isa. 54:17)
The Word of God is the product of the Voice of God (John 1:1-5)
The Word of God is the content of the Voice of God (John 1:1-5)
5a. The Voice of the Lord is connected to the Word of the Lord
The Voice of the Lord is ‘locatable’ in the Word of the Lord
5b. Those who are familiar with the written Word easily recognise the spoken Voice
Addiction to the Word is deliverance from
5c. The light of Divine direction is made available through the revelation of the Word
6. Connecting to the voice of Godly teachers and instructors (Isa. 30:20-21; 1Sam. 3:6-10; Dan. 9:2; Hos. 12:10; Eph. 6:18-19)
Your prophet determines your profit
6a. Many times, the Voice of the Lord is transmitted through the Voice of your God- ordained prophet
6b. The spiritual sensitivity of your prophet can sharpen your personal sensitivity unto spiritual receptivity
6c. The spirit of guidance in your prophet can be imparted in your spirit through the process of listening to their voice (John 6:33)
1. Never leave life to assumption; assumption only breeds confusion and frustration (Prov. 1:22)

2. Endeavour to always do what

By Ben

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