Brethren, by the revelation of God I received a vision some few months back that Christ returned and only one man made it, I asked God why HE didn’t take me and He told me it was because I was filthy and had to sanctify myself, in reality and in the dream I had plaited wool on my hair and in the dream I knew it was because of it. Those putting on tatoos, make-up, artificial hair, bleaching cream, jewelries, e.t.c, beware of those things because they are sinful.

Please we have no time till Christ’s return, do not reject His truth. If you haven’t yet given your life to Christ, please do now. Invite Jesus to your heart and ask Him to forgive you and make you born again.
I sense strongly that five years is all we have left, the tribulation of the saints will occur before His Second Coming, Tim LaHaye’s Left Behind doctrine is not at all correct.
Read 1Tess 5:1-28
God bless

By Ben

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