Gift Of Hearing God?
I see and sensed many christians in great distressed when they hear people saying”God spoke to me”It looks as if they are now “god of men”They accord ultimate respect to these god of men as if hearing God is a gift.
There is no such gift as hearing God. Every true child of God should hear God.
He is not partial, speaking to others and neglecting you.God forbid !
He is not partial.
When I said “god of men” Let me make it clear-god of men are people who have built themselves cathedral”cathedral of men”stripped God of HIS glory and the assume the throne of glory. Although, they might still be doing”sirs”and”mas:”but their heart crave for glory.
The bible said let “wives submit to their OWN Husband”As a man of God, The women in the church are kneeling down to greet you, giving you utmost respect but denied their husbands of such respect and you kept quite. Kept quiet because the husband might not be coming to your church but the bible did not give categories of husband to be submitted to.
As a wife you honour Your pastor more than the crown of your head-husband.You cook strong delicacy for the man of God while your husband lack such, this is very very wrong.
Giving respect to men of God is good and mandatory but dont esteem them more than God
Brethren You also can hear God.He loves you, He send the most precious thing to you inorder to set you free hiw much more will he not speak to you too.
Check your life and see if there is any iniquity. If you cleanse your way you will hear him speak to your heart. What a sweet experience, when the Ruler of the universe is behind all the steps you take, gives you direction and show you what will come to pass….No such gift as hearing God
Check your life and see if there is any iniquity. If you cleanse your way you will hear him speak to your heart. What a sweet experience, when the Ruler of the universe is behind all the steps you take, gives you direction and show you what will come to pass….No such gift as hearing God