cpyfamilyAwesome Word from one of the very many teachings by@mrsoyedepojnr & her hubby at a Family Life Seminar! Please read the rest on our Facebook page! Plus we loooooveee the picture👌💥👍 You go, Mrs O for making him smile so much😉😊 “Laughter really is great medicine.

 Not only does it do the body good, it also adds so much colour and flavour to any relationship, marriage or family. It’s important to joke often, and laugh often with each other – even when the challenges of life come your way.

 I sometimes meet people who are joksters and fun to be around with others but when it comes to their spouses or family members, they are like robots – no life! Imagine that! 

Their homes are gloomy, and everybody is so serious. 

When one person cracks a joke, it’s like you have committed a sin. Ice cold! 

Your children, and even your spouse are always running for cover because they can’t even smile around you. 

You are like a soldier in the battlefield! 

Such an atmosphere kills! It’s kills potentials, it kills love, it kills anything good! You know what? 

Even the soldiers in the battle field crack jokes and laugh – it is part of their coping mechanism in that trial. Even if you are an ordained minister, the anointing of God on your life won’t cease because you are playful with your family members! 

No wonder the bible says a merry heart is like medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22) – it can make an individual sick if care is not taken.

 Please don’t take life so seriously!

 And don’t take yourself so seriously!

 Even God laughs! He that sits in heaven laughs (Psalm 2:4).

 If you are in a relationship with someone now who doesn’t enjoy life as he/she ought to, who always has a long face, who never sees the bright side of things, please think twice before you say ‘I do’ otherwise you will be signing up for a life of gloom

By Ben

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