Evangelist Emman­uel Olu Joseph is the president of Jesu Omo Dafidi Out­reach worldwide with headquarters in Ido com­munity, Ekiti State. He is a protege of the founder of the Christ Apostolic Church (C.A.C), the late Pastor Ayo Babalola who reigned in the 1930s as a powerful cleric across the world.
In a recent chat with journalists during one of his crusade programmes, he spoke about his chal­lenges in the ministry, how God has been using the ministry to save many from various spiritual problems and how an anointing oil he got from late Babalola has rubbed on his ministry, providing miracles for many who he prays for. Excerpts:
It’s obvious you use anointing oil so much, could you tell us why sir?
There is something we call divine inspira­tion, instruction and di­rection. The Bible said with anointing oil, every yoke shall be broken and as a man of God, I don’t practice what I don’t see in the Bible, so anointing oil is bibli­cal and I so believe in it. I use it and it works for me and since God has called me, I have been using the anointing oil to pray for the sick, the barren,the insane and they’re healed.
Besides, God instruct­ed me that he has given the anointing oil for signs and wonders, to deliver and set the cap­tives free. Since I have been doing it I have been seeing results. You know our “General” in Africa, the late Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola, everyone knows about his ministry, he believed in the anointing oil and he went around with the anointing oil. Unfor­tunately, he passed on to rest but if you calcu­late from the year God called him (1930) till this year, you will be talking of 80 years and I have been a partaker of his anointing which I have been using and when I cry to God I have faith in Him that He will oblige me.
Tell us about your crusade , what did God tell you about it?
This ministry does not discriminate on the basis of denomination. It’s an outreach. You know in the Bible, God called some people to be evangelists, pastors, apostles and prophets but today, the devil has manipulated many and when you discover that you have a calling, the first thing that comes to some people’s minds is to go and start a church and that is why you see churches everywhere and the more churches increase the more the devil increases his works which include bribery, killing, corrup­tion, and robbery among others.
There’s a proliferation of churches because people have infused it with deceit. You would see a man called to be an evangelist but the next thing on his mind is to set up a church and fail to impact God’s people due to his lack of knowledge of the real word of God.
So, people have re­duced God’s calling to mere setting up of a churches. When I start­ed this church five years ago, the Lord brought up a lot of people with me. There are evange­lists, pastors and the likes and God has been performing wonders through us but then, the Lord told me He did not call me to organize a church, he said I was do­ing the right thing in the wrong way and there won’t be reward for me in heaven. As a wise servant, I asked God what He wanted me to do and He said I should go out to evangelize for Him. He said there are many people out there crying, dying and per­ishing and needing an evangelist to bring them back to the fold. What I did was to close down the ministry. The min­istry was already gener­ating about N200,000 in tithes monthly but all this I didn’t allow to intoxicate me and dis­courage me from doing the will of God.
What are the chal­lenges you have been facing in the ministry?
I started moving from town to town, state to state, school to school, evangelizing and very soon I will be travel­ing outside the country because they are wait­ing for me overseas. The role of men of God in this country is in the hands of govern­ment. The government should give men of God the ticket to minister in higher institutions of learning. Evangelists should be allowed to visit higher institutions to preach to students about Christ. Govern­ment should even com­mission evangelists to institutions in order to preach, distribute tracts and so on. This would build our confidence to discourage cultism in our higher institutions of learning.
We want the govern­ment to strengthen us, because we evangelists can’t just pack our be­longings and say we are going to an institution to preach against cultism as most of the lectur­ers in our higher insti­tutions of learning are cultists themselves, so they will oppose us.
We go to secondary schools to preach holi­ness and obedience to God. We want to instill the fear of God in pu­pils, because whatever you put into them is what they would grow with, they are the future leaders and we want them to be good lead­ers who would rule our great nation with the fear of God.
We have many chal­lenges doing this and among them is finance because we have to fuel the vehicles and some­times we do not have enough vehicles to con­vey us to our destina­tions.
This has limited our reach but we have been able to reach some ar­eas.We are still believ­ing God for help to get farther. We hope to be able to reach out to all schools in all the 36 states in the country and we pray the Lord helps us.
In all the places we have been, students and teachers have been sup­porting us. Nobody oc­cupies a post without God’s support. He has fought and won, the Lord will give Buhari the wisdom and under­standing to rule. We need good managers as leaders to rule. In the Bible, God sent Samuel to ordain David to rule Israelites and He also gave David the wisdom to rule, so, I am sure God will be with Buhari too.
What words do you have for the govern­ment?
Fayose is a God-sent to Ekiti. It’s not easy to win the way he has won after leaving the state for eight years, but he should be closer to God and fear Him.
His victory is divine. He will restore what the devil has stolen, unity and love. Ekiti has a co­lourful , bright, future and if God restores the unity and love that are lacking now, the state would flourish.
We have noticed that you always have many participants in your programmes giv­ing testimonies about new born babies. Why is this so?
We return all glory and honour to God be­cause He owns it all.
We dedicated 36 ba­bies, people who were lame now walk. A rob­ber has been changed by God to become a devout Christian. He is now a worker in this ministry.
It’s not biblical to ask for money from people before praying for them. Fake pastors only do that and risk God’s judg­ment.

By Ben

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