1st Night
I’ll emerge as giant. 
Tagged:Pathway to the topmost top
To go to the top you must be a digger.


Text:Hab 2:1-4
Visions are not to be discussed, they are to be proved. 
All men are born to exist but few live. 
Vision is what determines your age. 
Vision makes new and young. 
if you don’t have a goal you are like a goat. 
Fulfilment and joy begins with vision. 

Vision makes you unique, unmollestable and indestructible. 
Vision is God’s first gift to humanity. 
It provokes motion
Men of vision may stagger and fall but they don’t give up. 
Men of vision are not only important they are also relevant. 

What is Vision? 

Vision is the unveiling of divine plan to an individual. Jere 29:11
The clearer your vision the higher you climb. 
>God determines the plan for your life but it’s your responsibility to discover it. 
Vision is the picture of your future
Power is impartable but vision can not be imparted. 
Your vision is your limit. Gen 13:14
All you can see is all God can give. 
Your vision permit God to work in your life. 
Vision Vs Ambition 
Vision is always above ambition 
God doesn’t backup ambition but he back up visions 
God is behind vision 
Vision is communicated by sight and sound. 
Vision can be explained
How do I access vision ?. 
Prayer and Fasting -Luke 3:21
Vision multiply in the atmosphere of prayer, Anything you get in prayer you don’t doubt it. Prayer and fasting ensure accuracy of vision. 
Spiritual sensitivity- Hab 3:2, Rev 1:10, 
Keep visionary and prophetic company. 2 chro 26:5
Strategies to implementing your vision
Seek clarity of your vision.. Seek for details of your vision. ., 
Your vision is global but start  local .
To actualize your vision, analyse it.  1 cor 2:9-10, Jude 20,.
Feed your vision with knowledge.  Versatilize your vision. 
Benefit of visions
Divine Backing

By Ben

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