What a joyful sound from the musicians! The musicians blew the wind instruments to usher God into the sanctuary. The sound of praise from these musicians was reawakening and the congregation gorgeously matched in to be refreshed in God’s presence.
Hallelujah, we praise Your name was the first praise song from the Avalanche. God’s love was so amazing and radiant on the congregation as they worshipped God singing – Your love is so Amazing. It will be hard to forget the medley of praises sung by the Avalanche as the whole church exalted the Lord in praises.
Soon after the praise session, the Avalanche worshiped the Miracle worker. They sang the likes of Kose ni to dabire, Alagbara! (There is no one like you, All Powerful!)It’s just you and me. The Avalanche took it to another level as they ministered “Never again.” It was such a powerful declaration in song – never again to poverty, never again to pains and never again to oppression.
The praises of God was raised beyond description during the worship session convened by Pastor Modele Fatoyinbo. God’s people were undignified as they worshiped God.
Reading from Psalms 50:16-17, she led God’s people in prayers. Most times God’s people don’t follow God’s instructions to the latter and this was the focal point of this prayer session. They prayed for God’s mercies and grace to follow His instructions to the latter.

Better Together has been the emblem of the house from the beginning of the month and Pastor Modele Fatoyinbo’s sermon was a threshold from this theme. She spoke on the Principles to watch out for as singles before making the choice of whom to marry. She echoed – Psalms 19:1, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” She said the whole world declares the glory of God.  The God we serve is a God of diligence and He made the whole world beautiful. Therefore, as God’s children you need to add diligence to everything you do. She charged the congregation to be result oriented and driven, because our God is result driven.
The principles to watch out for as singles before the choice of whom to marry are as follows;
  1. The principle of work and diligence. When a lady or a man wants to go into relationship, the first thing to consider is the principle of work and diligence, she highlighted.
  2. The principle of integrity. Integrity is perpetual truthfulness. Don’t live a borrowed life, she instructed. Life is a process; go through your own process. Live the life God has called you to live truthfully. She admonished God’s people to always say the truth no matter what. If you bury the truth it will resurrect, she emphasized. She said lack of integrity shuts down God’s blessings.
  3. The principle of wisdom. Anyone that want you to do foolish things, should not be your friend she admonished. If you walk into any relationship in foolishness, it will break your heart. Be wise!
  4. The principle of obedience. 2 Kings 23:25. Whenever God speaks to you, be obedient.
After the message, she led the congregation to pray. They prayed that henceforth they will begin to do well. They received grace to do good in every aspect of their lives.
Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo stepped up stage. He encouraged everyone to beware of pride, and not to walk with an itching ear. We are to receive God’s word with meekness. God gives more grace to the humble (James 4:6). He admonished God’s people to humble themselves and God will lift them up. (I Peter 5:6).
The service could not have been so glorious without the moment of rededication of lives. Pastor Biodun invited as many as were willing to embrace the life of Christ as he shared his past with the congregation and so many were moved to obey God. They thronged out to receive the life of God and joy overflowed in heaven for these precious souls who were redeemed into the kingdom of life. Glory Hallelujah!
The senior Pastor invited God’s people to give their tithes to the Lord. Many honoured the Lord with their tithes. They joyfully returned to the Lord with seeds in their hand. The offering session was something else as the whole house worshipped the Lord, giving thanks to God and honouring Him with their offerings.
Fifteen families dedicated their babies to the Lord and two newly-weds were blessed. Many rejoiced with these families with the understanding that we ought to rejoice with those who are rejoicing.
Pastor Wole Soetan welcomed the first timers to COZA, the Wealthy Place. They were so excited to be in the Lord’s house that they joyfully danced forward.
The service was brought to a close by Pastor Wole. He invited God’s people for the Tuesday communion service and prayed for a blessed week for the assembly. Everyone was excited to have been in such an awesome service. Their strength was renewed. Hallelujah!
Credits : Coza

By Ben

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