By: Dr. Paul Enenche


1. Light disarms, dissipates, dissolves, disintegrates and destroys darkness
Light is the cure for darkness
Light is never a match for darkness
You never cry in front of darkness if you carry light

2. Light uncovers and unveils whatever is under the cover of darkness
Light is the demystification of darkness
Light is what shows you where the snake or scorpion is hiding
– Everything that is called darkness around your life dies now!
3. Light reveals and discloses whatever is lost or missing (Luke 15:8)
– Between now and this time next week, something lost or missing shall be unveiled and dsiclose din your life
4. Light releases illumination that destroys stagnation, producing acceleration
Light assists sight and sight brings speed; the clearer you see, the faster you move in life
– You have stayed on the same spot for too long! What you need to know to change your level shall be revealed to you in this season!
5. Light imparts might for action and manifestation (Isa. 60:1)
If your life is lacking in action, then might, light and force are lacking
– Light that will give you might is coming your way right now!


1. The Word of God (John 1:1-5; Ps. 119:130)
2. The Presence of God (Ps. 36:9; 89:15; 24:3-5)
You cannot hang around God and know darkness
The Presence of God is available for those with clean hands, not those with dubious lives
Father, send light into Nigeria and let darkness and evil bow in Jesus’ Name!


– In the Name of Jesus, every satanic embargo on my life, you are breaking now in Jesus’ Name!
– Every embargo on my life, today is your end, you are leaving now in Jesus’ Name!
– Every demonic shrine fighting my destiny and future, I command you to catch fire today in the Name of Jesus!
– Every family, ancestral and generational altar against my life, destiny and our nation Nigeria, o you altars, today is your end, catch fire now in Jesus’ Name!
– In the Name of Jesus, every covenant I have entered into knowingly or unknowingly with every agent of darkness, I renounce you now in Jesus’ Name!
– Every tormenting spirit, every stranger in my life and body, you are leaving me no. Go in Jesus’ Name!
– Every strange deposit in my body, you are leaving me now in Jesus’ Name!
– In the Name of Jesus, every demonic presence and deposit in my life, today is your end, you are leaving now, go in Jesus’ Name!


– Every death looking for you shall not find you in Jesus’ Name
– Every cycle of oppression and demonic manifestation over your life is broken in Jesus’ Name
– Every delay in your life is broken in Jesus’ Name
– In the Name that is above every name, after this service, your God and my God will give you reasons to celebrate!
– God is about to dissolve a demonic conspiracy around your life and something that appeared irreversible is about to be reversed!
– Every deposit that the devil has put in your body that is a cause of shame and reproach, today, it is flushed out!
– Every altar of emptyhandedness, scarcity, altar of mental condition, today is the end of that altar in Jesus’ Name!
– Every death looking for you returns back to hell!
– By the mantle of God upon my life, I decree and declare, you shall fulfil your days! You shall not die before your time in Jesus’ Name!
– I curse every altar and shrine in your father’s house that is resisting your destiny in Jesus’ Name!
– Everybody trusting God for the fruit of the womb, it is released now in Jesus’ Name!
– Everyone doubting your God and doubting your going to Church, in this season evidence shall come that shall arrest every argument!
– Every thing they tied around your life and in this country by the realm of the spirit, by the power that untied this sister, it is untied in Jesus’ Name!
– Every blessing that the devil is trying to turn to a curse in your life, today is the reversal in Jesus’ Name!
– Everything negative that followed you from your childhood, today it is over!
– Every altar of emptyhandedness, wretchedness, scarcity, uselessness and insanity manipulating your life and destiny, today is the end of that altar!
– Every package prepared for you by the enemy is returned back to hell!
– That which is heavier than your size, the Lord will use you to handle, and those who mocked your going to church will be surprised!
– Everything the devil planned for you will not happen!
– Every altar in your family responsible for emptyhandedness, wretchedness and premature death, that altar is set on fire!
– Everything that came with you as a bondage, luggage or burden, today it is over!
– Any yoke of recurrent disappointment is arrested in Jesus’ Name!
– Every demonic spirit following you about, trying to lay you to rest before your time, that spirit is arrested and returned back to hell!
– Every demonic spirit following you around and trying to lay you to rest before your time is set on fire in Jesus’ Name!
– Every strange man around your life, destiny and marriage is catching fire now in Jesus’ Name
– Every torment of masquerade cult, today marks your end in Jesus’ Name
– Anything that is contrary to your identity, anything fighting you from the realm of the spirit, it is set on fire!
– Anything struggling with your life, destiny, testimony, and struggling with the help of God in your life, today, that thing dies by fire!
– Every group of people trying to organise shame for this nation, that shame shall be upon them and their generation!

By Ben

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