PS: Before you scroll on to read this kindly note that this may not conform to the way and manner your village people have conditioned you to lord over your wife as the Igwe of the home. 

You may kindly skip this message now and go wear your crown somewhere else. 

This address is to supernatural husbands who understand the depth of headship according Ephesians 5, men who understand that headship is first SERVANTHOOD.

1. No matter what, do all you can not to eat anything heavy at work 2-3 hours before you get home. 

This is so you can have enough room to eat your wife’s food. It hurts her so much to put so much effort into making something greet for her king only for you to come home saying you are already full. 

She may not show this hurt expressively in words or even in actions, but her heart bleeds. 

So eat all you can at work if you have to, but endeavour to fast for your wife’s food 3 hours before home time. Okay?

2. Don’t assume. Don’t take her by some certain surprise. Not all ‘coming home’ surprises are cool. 

For instance Don’t stop by the road to buy fufu without asking, only to get home and find out she already made some fine eba waiting for you on the dinning. 

Always call to ask, can I buy some fufu? 

Call to ask if she cooked before stopping by Kilimanjaro on your way home, these little things matter so much to a woman, knowing that you value her cooking more than one jollof rice out there cooked with white maggie.

3. When you get home and meet your wife cooking, no matter how tired you are, always ask if there is anything you can do to help.

 This is the point where the Igwe’s will sit down and cross their legs. 

But for supernatural husbands we always want to help. Helping her with turning eba is a blessing. 

Things as little as rinsing the dishes goes a long way with your tired self. If you are not a man of the kitchen no problem, ask her if there is anything else you can do outside the kitchen while she’s cooking. 

Nobody will laugh at you for being a help to your help. The best leaders serve!

5… Always make a budget for the unusual. What this means is, plan to bring something special home once a week, or once in two weeks depending on your ability.

 Every couple need date nights, but let’s be honestly, when you factor in traffic and stress, it’s enough to want to discourage you from going out. 

So do the opposite instead, bring home takeout. Stop by ying yang and bring home Chinese,  or do some pizza.

 Just come home with something that cannot be easily made at home. Make a budget for it, we always have money for the things that matter to our heart. 

The 10th marriage hack every supernatural husband should have is CREATIVITY.

 Because no two marriages are the same, we all come in our uniqueness,  this means you are going to have to figure out what works best for your marriage and try to work on it intentionally. We cannot teach everything. 

Many husband get so boring and their marriage becomes stale too soon because they stop building, they stop chasing, what’s the need pursuing her right?

 Afterall she’s already your wife. This mentality right here is a divorce enzyme, it speeds up the frustration in any marriage. Flee from it.

Anything to keep your marriage flourishing, right?  

By Matthew

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