5 Benefits of Joining the Choir and be a Chorister

Do you love singing? Have you have considered using this skill of yours to serve the Lord in a Choir unit in Church? Then, this information is for you, I have been in choir since the age of 7, I was born in CAC Church and ever since I was a child, I have ministered as a Choir in the church, even till now, and have seen great rewards that comes from serving God with your musical skill, remember every good and perfect gifts come from God in the first place and when you use it to the glory of God, he   increases you, bless you and perfect your gift, open doors unto you and make your gift to be heard in the world.

There is great reward and benefits to serving God in the church, but it is much more incredible when you are a Choir member, do you also know that music as the capacity to impact your mental capacity? It strengthens you mind and intellect.

There is Joy in expressing yourself in music, in singing and in been able to play one instrument or the other.

So Why Should You join the Choir?

  1. It brings you Closer to God: Yes, been in choir and singing to the glory of God brings you closer to God, especially in a situation whereby you are ministering to God’s people often, every now and then, you become a vessel of honor via which God reaches out to his people, it enhances your intimacy with God because God pour out his spirit into you, when you are a carrier of divine presence, anytime you minister, the presence of God comes down, and this presence also goes with you anywhere you go, this  makes you a carrier of the Anointing.   Many times, God will also use the songs you have sung in the past to minister to people in their down time, and also to minister to you yourself, you get edified, because songs are powerful. Many believers actually do not know that the Holy Spirit moves at the frequency of songs, that is why the bible says we should edify ourselves in psalms and spiritual songs; they are magnet that invokes divine presence, there are many yokes and burden of life that are lifted and broken at the frequency of divine presence, the bible says; the sea saw it flee, Jordan was driven back (Psalm 114).
  2. It Impacts your Music Skills: Choir atmosphere amplifies your musical skill, you become more musically inclined, this is a treasure indeed, because we have a lot of music lovers in our world today, but only few knows how music works or can coordinate musical arrangement and produce great songs. In short, we have more music consumer and less music producers. Especially when you can play the Piano, Guitar and other musical instrument, you become a treasure in any music house or church where you find yourself, this is one of the benefits of been a Musician or been part of Musical House. You will be trained to read musical notes, understand parts, modulation, riffs and run, and lots more, these are things that makes you happy and also amplifies your musical skill, you will be able to deliver great musical resources at any point, any day any time.
  3. It Enhances your Mental Capacity: Science as proven that one of the thing that makes for a sharp brain is Music, if you are musically inclined or you allowed your children to enroll a musical class, they will become mentally versatile. Music enhances the brain capacity, it also gives your body pleasure, it puts you in  a state of excitement and can also help you carry on a hard time, music is powerful. When you are good at playing musical instrument, the effect will show in your mental exploit. You will agree with me, choirs are very smart people, because of the dexterity of music they do, both in rehearsals and during their performances in church, concerts and programs.
  4. It Increases your Spiritual Life: Yes! This is a nonnegotiable benefit of been in Choir, your spiritual life takes a new turn, because you are serving God, it enhances your prayer life, your word study, there is a notion that choir people are less spiritual; this is not true and this should not be, been in choir should even enhance your spiritual lifestyle, your character, your mindset, your standard of living because you are serving God. You are doing the work of an evangelist you are reaching out to the world through Music, that is where the power is; as a Choir, your separation, consecration is not negotiable, it should be intact always, so as to amplify your spiritual life which will in turn make you offer an acceptable service to God, I remember those days on campus, while we are rehearsing in choir, and it’s time for worship or prayer, the spirit of God comes on people and they began to manifest in speaking in tongues, baptism of the holy spirit began to take place right there, because the presence of God is coming upon them, and because the vessels are yielded to God.
  5. It brings Joy to the People: Yes, There is Joy both in Choir, to you as a Chorister and to the people as a whole. This is so true, been a choir member should bring Joy to you consistently. There is no doubt about this, ask any choir member, there is always an excitement in the atmosphere when it is time to go for rehearsal, because it is both a time of musical enjoyment and spiritual edification. Infact, the bible record that one of the special feature on Mt Zion is that the singers and player of instruments are there, and God said, all his treasures shall be found in Zion. Songs also brings deliverance and healing to the people, have you noticed with major healing ministry comes the ministry of Songs? Look at Benny Hinn, Dr Paul Enenche and others, there is a strong Musical dimension of their ministry, this is so real, and you will notice a tangible dimension of the Power of God been made manifest in their midst, because there is a connection between Zion sounds, divine presence and the operation of the Holy Spirit.

By Matthew

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